Fekeng – Les Racines – Cameroon / France
Jeannette Mogoun
Originally from Cameroon, MJ (Jeannette Mogoun) was born in Bandjoun. An actress, writer, singer and director, director of the Fekeng company, feminist and a strong advocate of contemporary theatre writing, she works in Cameroon, in various West African countries and in France, seizing every opportunity to collaborate.
She discovered theatre at the Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture in Douala between 2005 and 2007, under the direction of director and trainer Éric Delphin Kwégoué, and made a name for herself with her stage presence and acting skills. Her willingness to learn, her enthusiasm and determination, combined with her keen interest in discovering innovative techniques in the art of acting, both theatrical and cinematographic, opened the doors to her professional career.
From 2008 to 2012, MJ worked as an actress for a number of theatre companies in productions by directors from a wide range of backgrounds (Epilogue d’une trottoire, by Alain Kamal Martial, Maluki théâtre ; Caméléon, by Patrick Ndédi Pende, directed by Dovie Kendo, Koz’art théâtre; Orphée D’Afrique, by Werewere Liking, directed by Eric Delphin Kwégoué, Théâtre des Coulisses, Congo Brazzaville, Festival Fitheb in Benin… ).
In 2012, MJ founded the Les Racines (The Roots) company in Cameroon as a place of freedom, creation and exchange in which to build contemporary, high-quality popular theatre around texts dealing with deep, poetic themes that resonate with children and adults alike.
In 2016 and 2017, she took part in the dramaturgy workshops ‘Construire des histoires’, organised by Scènes d’enfance – ASSITEJ France for young audience artists from 8 African countries, in Yaoundé and Cape Town, under the direction of Karin Serres and Pascale Grillandini.
On her arrival in France in 2022, MJ founded the Fekeng company, which focuses on several areas of theatrical research: working with the actor’s body and energy to create characters, combining theatrical techniques (acting, puppets, masks, shadows, music, voice work, dance, etc.) and using decidedly playful forms to serve a strong purpose. The aim is to create the unexpected and the marvellous from simple elements. And always with the audience in mind.

ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2025
International selection

Touring performance

International selection
Performances in production
- Les wais de Jeannette, de Jeannette Mogoun et Luc Tartar
- Madame Placard, de Luc Tartar
- Madame Placard à l’hôpital, de Luc Tartar