Based on ‘Três pontinhos’ (Three little dots), by Mario Vale
Piste, piste, piste, by Luis Sartori Do Vale and Mira Ravald is an interdisciplinary show for children and young audiences, combining contemporary circus, dance and visual arts.
In a fascinating journey into the world of shapes and creativity, a blank white stage is transformed into an imaginative universe by the use of old overhead projectors.
Inspired by the children’s book Três pontinhos (Three Little Dots) by Brazilian author and illustrator Mario Vale, the performance is sensitively structured around the journey of two characters who one day discover three little dots…
Through movement, illusion, acrobatics and the projection of live hand-drawn images, the artists play with the transformation of dots into lines. Using overhead projectors to create a dynamic and poetic visual environment, Luis and Mira create different situations and worlds in which they travel, leaving plenty of room for the children’s imagination and interpretation.
Support: TAIKE (FI), WHS Teatteri Union (FI), Cirko (FI), Annantalo (FI), Subtopia (SE)
International distribution for non-French-speaking regions : Aurora Nova
Creation / acting: Luis Sartori do Vale, Mira Ravald
Lighting design: Jere Mönkkönen
Music and sound design:
Petteri Rajanti
‘One day, a child planted three small dots. They grew and became lines… ’